Productivity Improvement

Services provided by Productivity Improvement Cell (PIC)

  • Certificate Courses Under PIC, iART

Training Courses

  1. Apparel Merchandising; Duration – 4 Months.
  2. Industrial Engineering & Lean Manufacturing; Duration – 4 Months.
  3. Production Planning & Supply Chain Management; Duration – 4 Months
  4. Textile Manufacturing & Lab Management. Duration – 2 Months  
  • Factory based training program
  1. Industrial Engineering System
  2. Lean manufacturing System
  3. Garments Quality assurance system
  4. Fabric Optimization & Cutting Technology
  • Consultancy Services on Productivity Improvement

Productivity Improvement Cell (PIC) provides Factory based Training and Consultancy Services on following areas:

  1. Lean Manufacturing System Implementation
  2. Industrial Engineering Department Establishment & Development
  3. Enrichment of existing Industrial Engineering Department
  4. Fabric Optimization & Cutting Technology
  5. New Floor Layout Design
  6. Reengineering of existing Layout
  7. Implementation of Quality Assurance System
  • Industrial Training Program for University Students on “Garment Technology & Lean Manufacturing”

BKMEA’s Productivity Improvement Cell (PIC) has successfully conducted the following training programs for the students of Industrial & Production Engineering and Textile Engineering departments of various engineering universities of Bangladesh.  

  1. Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET).
  2. Jashore University of Science & Technology  (JUST)
  3. Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU)
  4. Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET)
  5. Primeasia University (PAU)
  6. American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB)

Other Science & Technology Universities are in process to include in BKMEA’s Industrial Training Program on “Garment Technology & Lean Manufacturing”.